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-Feeling sad, frustrated, and helpless
-Anger, tension, and irritability
-Recurring thoughts of stressful events
-Loss of appetite
-Diffculty concentrating & making decisions
Make a problem list:
-List problems to overcome
-Breakdown into order of difficulty
-Allow adequate timing to focus on each
Relaxation Techniques:
-Controlled breathing/ regulating your breathing
-Listening to classical or inspiring music
-Reading a book
-Taking a hot bath
-Meeting up with friends
-Practicing yogo or meditation
Simplify You Lifestyle:
-Get an adequate amount of sleep
-Make a schedule or routine
-Exercise regularly(walking, swimmimg, running, etc)
-Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Coping with Stress and Anxiety
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
Signs and Symptoms
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